13 December 2013

Life begins at the edge of your comfort zone

"You have to leave the city of your comfort and go into the wilderness of your intuition." Alan Alda

Today is graduation day for Master's students in the program from which I graduated last year. I am unable to attend and support friends and students, but my thoughts are with all those in attendance and who are, like me, there in spirit. Thinking on that fantastic milestone in my life, I recall the personal changes I experienced as I stepped to the edge of and beyond my comfort zone from beginning to end of my time within the program.

It is also the end of my very first doctoral semester. It really wasn't that long ago that I received those fate-changing words "you have been accepted". Talk about edge of comfort zone. I've already waxed poetic about my personal struggles with feeling as if I am not good enough for this program, so I won't revisit that at all. Instead I celebrate my growth. This semester was challenging, but not overwhelming. This break is a nice opportunity to consider why these sayings (life begins at the edge of your comfort zone, and the quote from Alan Alda) resonate so strongly with me.

Change is scary. And incredibly difficult. As animals, we are hard-wired to resist abrupt change. Something new within the environment is most likely negative, such as a new opponent or challenger. It could mean death. Or dismemberment. Or inability to find the needed resources...which I guess could lead to death or extended discomfort. The comfort zone is the place where we are most familiar with our surroundings, others' behaviors, our own behavior, and expectations. It's a place where we feel we have control. But it is also where stagnation occurs. Challenges in life show a person's capabilities. Seeking those challenges may seem a bit crazy to some, but allows a person real opportunity to see how she or he can change the world. That may sound a lofty goal, but the world doesn't necessarily mean our planet, although that is much needed. The world applies to a person's sphere of influence. Stepping outside your comfort zone does increase that sphere, and creates ripples within others' spheres.

Giving up a little of that control prevents stagnation and encourages the type of transformative growth that can really change the world. I appreciate all the spheres that have created ripples for me, rocked my boat, and bounced me out of that safe mindset.

Yikes, waxing poetic again. How's this: be a wombat. Yes, a wombat. Wombat feces is cube shaped. Cubes! Aside from geeking out over the biology that makes that possible, cube shaped poop is absolutely incredible! Wombats travel to new areas and mark territory with poop that won't roll away. Cubes. Depositing cubes in another's territory creates change. Challenge. Growth. I'll leave you with that fantastic imagery.