25 September 2013

CrossFit People

Uh oh. I'm becoming one of those people. The CrossFit people.

I bought a Groupon for one month of CrossFit for two people and convinced my sister she wanted to do it with me. The plan was to start at the beginning of September so that it would be easier to keep track of the "month". Well, that didn't happen. Last week I convinced her we needed to start so on Wednesday we went for the first session. Oh my goodness did that kick my rear! But it felt really good to actually move. Lately I've been attached to a computer for job #1 (which isn't always the case), of course for job #2 (because it's online), and also for homework. I've been craving some physicality. I couldn't go again on Friday because of the class time ending at the exact time I needed to be at job #1, so Monday it was. This is probably a good thing because Friday came and I was still incredibly sore, much to my own personal amusement as well as the amusement of my coworkers. It's funny when you laugh and it hurts. Which makes you laugh more. Which hurts. Which makes you laugh even more. I'm sure you can see where this leads.

Monday was great. It kicked my rear, but not in the same way. In the good way. Today is Wednesday and again job #1 start time requirements conflicted with class time. And I found myself disappointed. I'm actually looking forward to tomorrow and Friday. I could bore you with all the biological reasons why physical activity is good for you, not just on a basic health level, but also chemically. I won't, though. Google it. Or check out this link, which my sister happily shared with me: Scientific study on CrossFit.

I also think my drive to go back to CrossFit ties in with SQUIRREL!s. Something the core faculty discussed in our first colloquium week was taking care of ourselves, ensuring we have personal resilient abundance. It's a play on sustainability terminology. PhD humor. We're nerds.

Taking the opportunity to chase the SQUIRREL! and keeping up normal routines (or new ones of working out) helps the mind mull over and consider different topics and concepts. Have you ever sat in front of a project wracking your brain for ideas when you're stumped? Then decide to step away for a bit and suddenly have a brilliant idea, or just can return to the task a short time later with a fresh perspective? Yea. Like that. Chase the SQUIRREL! Go do CrossFit! Feed the body and mind.

I'll see you at the gym tomorrow. And Friday. Where you'll hear that once you finish this last exercise of the warm up (which is remarkably like the entire boot camp workout I experienced (again through a Groupon) in May) that the real work out starts. Woot - getting our rears kicked for resilient abundance.

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