08 October 2013

Random Ramblings

I'm off my weekly schedule. Sorry about that. There just hasn't been good inspiration for a blog post, plus I've been a bit mired in a lengthy paper. Which has also led to a trip down a rabbit hole called fear of failure. So my brain's been a bit foggy. I try to keep this light and funny, but life isn't always light and funny. Blogging isn't about just sharing the good. I mean, it can be, but then is the blogger respected for being real? I don't know the answer to that. Granted, we all know my motivation for blogging is respect (that's written in sarcastic font, just so you know).
Regardless, I don't have anything really clever or exciting to share just now. Although I recently realized that each of my posts have included some big message. My interpreter training seems to motivate me to lead you along a path to a connection or message at the end, something for you to "take away" and ponder. It amused me to realize this because it's not a conscious action.
Don't worry though, this post is just random ramblings. No message intended here. I am currently accepting applications for a ghost writer, though (that's a joke. Unless someone is interested. Then it's not). Guess it's time to finish up the latest paper before moving on to the next assignment.

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